Whether it’s a bug, a bugbear, or business in general, reach out to us and we’ll be sure to get back to you.
Private Investigator License
#1295 Nevada PILB
VA DCJS ID #99-461726
- For general information, contact: info@biometrica.com
- For IT Assistance, email: support@biometrica.com
- For Casino, Licensing or other Solutions or products, contact: sales@biometrica.com
- For eMotive sales, go to: https://www.getemotivenow.com/
- For UMbRA single-user subscriptions, click on the UMbRA page and scroll down
- For Investigative support, contact: investigations@biometrica.com
- For law enforcement solutions, contact: leo@biometrica.com
- For news and press releases, contact: media@biometrica.com
- For all other queries, contact: marketing@biometrica.com