Our products and solutions save you time, headaches and money. They give an organization the ability to meet local, state or national licensing obligations with regard to criminal background checks and fulfil your employees’ licensing requirements within seconds. Our products also help you maintain compliance with those obligations throughout an individual’s employment while protecting PII, SPI and PHI; and also allow you to quickly comply with licensing requirements for transferred or new employees within seconds instead of weeks. Additionally, we help regulatory bodies run their own end-to-end encrypted real-time checks on an individual in seconds, maintain a digital audit trail and be automatically notified of possible violations.

This Is Why Our Solutions Matter

  • Data Sources + Integrity

    All our data is near real-time, updated every hour, and is 100% sourced from law enforcement, court or government record. We actively pull in data from jurisdictions across the United States and are working with partners in several countries on data sharing partnerships. We work with and support law enforcement at the federal, state, tribal and local level within the US and abroad.

    Note: We do not manipulate or change the data in any way, even for obvious errors, in order to maintain digital chain of custody and preserve data integrity.

  • Three Levels of Matching ID

    With physical access to an e-Passport, our tools could create a tri-level certification between the image in the chip, the passport and the person to check validity for two reasons: To tell you whether that passport or other identification that has been presented is a valid document or a fake. And whether that person has a possible criminal background in the United States up to two hours ago.

Note: This could also be linked to external systems to validate other data as well. Image validation on the chip requires certain conditions to be met.

  • Casino Licensing

    Our products give casino licensing and gaming regulatory bodies the ability to quickly verify identity, check documentation, and background check any staffer needing to meet licensing + compliance requirements in seconds instead of days or weeks. Our solutions help mitigate risk, and protect casinos from legal, financial, reputational and other harm, while help pre-empting insider threats.

    Note: Biometrica runs the Security & Surveillance Information Network, an end-to-end encrypted channel, which connects surveillance teams, gaming commissions and law enforcement.

  • Data Access & Access Controls

    We understand that as custodians of people’s data in a changing world where data is constantly under threat, it is incumbent upon us to protect that data and limit access to it through RBAC/ABAC to those that need to know, for reasons of national defense, securing critical infrastructure, public safety or public health, and investigating crime.

    Note: We are licensed private investigators and an associate member of the PBSA. Every action taken in our systems has an immutable audit trail.

  • Data Privacy

    We do not collect data on minors. To maintain privacy and data integrity, our staffers have no visibility into any partner or client’s dataset in eMotive. We are not a traditional background checking organization. Our systems are built to adapt to allow you to control your own data.

  • For more information, contact us at

    sales@biometrica.com getemotivenow.com

Learn More About Our Solutions

Contact us to learn more about how we can implement solutions for you to truly know the people you hire.