By their very nature, financial institutions are exposed to numerous risks from outsiders such as fraudulent or criminal clients, and more worryingly perhaps by their own employees through insider threat.  Although external threat prevention is more regulated, notably with the customer due diligence requirements of KYC,  insider threat prevention is more variable, depending on the institution.


The 2022 Cost of Insider Threats: Global Report reveals

  1. Insider threat incidents have risen 44% over the past two years, with costs per incident up more than a third to $15.38 million.
  2. Incidents that took more than 90 days to contain cost organizations an average of $17.19 million on an annualized basis.


The best way to contain an incident is to prevent it happening in the first place.


Financial institutions will conduct a point in time criminal background check for new employees with periodic updates, often combined with a review of system access and logs to check on employees’ activities to detect any anomalies.

These background checks are flawed:


Standard checks are a 1-time snapshot of potential criminal background that:

  1. Are often reliant on data that is incomplete and several months old
  2. Is not updated in real time if something in that person’s criminal background were to change since the last data capture
  3. Only captures convictions, not all arrests and charge history


These limitations increase threat vectors for financial institutions by potentially letting in employees with a high-risk background, exposing the bank to internal criminal activity, losses, fines, sanctions and untold reputational risk.


=> Your current employee vetting tools are not sufficiently protecting you.


Biometrica’s eMotive for Insider Threat Prevention can help: eMotive pulls criminal data from 100s of locations around the country and around the world 24/7/365 to provide the world’s only real-time continuous criminal background check.

Here's how eMotive can help

  • 100% law-enforcement sourced multijurisdictional database

    Collects data from a 100% law-enforcement sourced multijurisdictional database. More accurate and complete than most mainstream Identity and background check systems that rely on data from courts instead.

  • Updates in real-time

    Provides updates in real-time for all of your employees and candidates with simple, clear, actionable, encrypted alerts. Reduces your risk with “always on” monitoring & alerting. Decision-making based on same day data vs. 90 days or older data with current background check system (sometimes a couple of years old).

  • Thorough name + full facial recognition research

    Combines a thorough name and full facial recognition research to reduce false positives (that can cost you time and money) and to reduce false negatives (that dramatically increase your risk).

  • Tracks every process

    Tracks every process for legal, judicial or audit purposes.

  • Simple and intuitive to use

    Our software allows you to enter data once and receive notifications continuously.

  • Integrate with our API

    Seamlessly integrates with current systems thanks to open web APIs

  • FCRA-compliant

    Find out more at

  • For more information, contact us at

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Contact us to learn more about how we can implement solutions for you to truly know your insiders.